What is mycuriosEATy?
Her love for food and her art education come together in this appetizing project. During childhood vacations she was already nosing around in the kitchen while her grandmother was cooking. Later on, as a student in Amsterdam, her fascination for food in art began to grow.
mycuriosEATy is interdisciplinary research
mycuriosEATy is art history
mycuriosEATy is caring about food
mycuriosEATy is cultural interaction
mycuriosEATy pursues contemporary views of food in art, and offers an artistic view on food and it´s stories.
Food feeds the body, art feeds the soul.

Who is mycuriosEATy?
Marián, born in The Netherlands in 1982. Lives and works in Madrid.
She holds a master´s degree in Art History at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (2009). After getting her degree she moved to her motherland and settled in Madrid.
She has a great experience working in several multinational companies, being able to exploit her language skills, and at the same time acquiring and strenghtening her communication, initiative and customer care skills.
In 2016 she takes an important step by broadening her academic education with a postgraduate course on Food, Culture and Locality, specializing in a subject more in line with her passion. In 2018 she starts her project mycuriosEATy, initially writing articles on her blog about food and art, expanding with curatorial proposals and freelance journalism.
She is demanding, creative, helpful, multidisciplinary and loves to do research. She is also modest and shows empathy and enthousiasm.